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Inclement Weather / Emergency Closures

Emergency Flash Alert Messenger System

Inclement Weather

In the event of emergencies and unexpected school closures, the Mt. Angel School District uses the FlashAlert Messenger system, ParentSquare and the district website for notifying staff, parents, students, and the public.

FlashAlert is the system most local school districts and public agencies use to inform the media about weather-related delays and emergency situations.  You can subscribe to FlashAlert by visiting .  Flash alert also immediately informs local news stations of delays and closures, so make sure to check the reports on the television. With FlashAlert, users can register up to 3 email addresses and download the Android or iOS app to your phone in order to get emergency alerts sent directly to your phone from the FlashAlert system. You will receive information from the Mt. Angel School District at the same time as the media! Please note that the FlashAlert system is NOT for day-to-day communication, but rather for emergency alerts and information.

ParentSquare messages will go out via email, text and voice phone calls using the email and phone numbers registered with the school district through the student registration process. Please contact your student's school to update you contact information as needed.

District Website will also have the most current information about any inclement weather event posted as a 'pop-up' alert that will appear on all district webpages.

Facebook is immediately updated when a weather delay/closure or other emergency message is sent out via FlashAlert.

Registering in the FlashAlert system is NOT required, status can still be checked using the link above.

Flash Alert messenger System link

Android Flash Alert Messenger

OS Flash Alert Messenger

Emergency Closure Information

Icy, snow packed, and/or flooded roads, power outages or other unsafe conditions may make it necessary to delay the beginning of a school day, end the school day early or close schools.

School District officials will check roads early each morning when conditions warrant. We will make every effort to have decisions made by 6:00 a.m. and post information to local stations. Most local radio and television stations will carry emergency information. The "Closure and Emergency Status" link above also provides up-to-date information regarding the status of the school district.


One of the following decisions will be announced in the event of inclement weather or other conditions that warrant this type of action:


Morning bus runs will be delayed two hours, as will the start of school.


School are closed, classes will not be held and buses will not run. When school is closed, all extra-curricular activities and practices are also cancelled.


There may be occasions when school is closed early. This is usually due to unexpected power outages or weather conditions that rapidly occur creating immediate unsafe travel conditions. When school is closed all extra-curricular activities and practices are also cancelled.