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Rachel Stucky,


Every Student Succeeds Act

ESSA and Mt. Angel School District

Mt. Angel School District operates according to the rules and recommendations of ESSA.  Our district currently receives federal funds in the following areas:

  • Title IA Low Income and Disadvantaged Students/Programs
  • Title IIA Highly Qualified Teachers
  • Title III Limited English Proficiency
  • Title IV Well rounded Education
  • Title V Migrant
  • Title X McKinney Vento Act (Families in Transition)

Under these programs, the district follows specific criteria and guidelines in order to create programs and use funds to meet our student population needs. 

English Language Proficiency Plan 

The Mt. Angel School District has a second language program for helping English Language Learners to succeed in English language proficiency as well as academic content areas. This program is called the English Language Learner Program and is the district's plan for giving all Limited English Proficient (LEP) students the opportunity to be successful. A complete copy of the plan is available in the download section of this page.

ESSA Annual Notices