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Property & Casualty Coverage

Mt. Angel School District's insurance agent of record is C. Butsch General Insurance.  Current property, automobile, general liability and other casualty coverage is provided by the Special Districts of Oregon’s Property and Casualty for Education (PACE) program. Requests for Certificates of Insurance and/or Additional Insured Endorsements should be sent to the Business Manager. Also submit loss claims to the Business Manager. Asset inventory records are maintained by the business office. These records are used to establish property values and report identification information to PACE and/or law enforcement in the event of a loss. Schools are provided with property identification tags to affix to new equipment.  Periodically, school staffs are asked to do an on-site verification of equipment inventories. Contact the District Office Secretary with inventory questions.

Employee Health Benefits

The Oregon Educator’s Benefit Board (OEBB) administers health insurance plans for Mt. Angel School District employees.  Benefit summaries for licensed, classified, administrative, and non-represented employee groups are provided to new employees immediately after hire and all employees before open enrollment periods and can be found on this website's staff center page under forms & documents.  Premium summaries for licensed,  classified, non-represented and administrative groups are also available on the web site.   Open enrollment begins in August for the coverage period that begins October 1st each year.  Employees can register to enroll and update personal information at MyOEBB or contact the Business Manager.

Worker's Compensation Insurance

The district’s worker’s compensation coverage is through SAIF Corporation. On-the-job injuries must be reported to supervisors immediately. Supervisors will prepare a report of the incident; copies should be kept by the supervisor, injured employee, business office, and the school district’s safety officer. If medical treatment beyond first aid is required, there is helpful information at SAIF Corporation's website. The worker's section of a Report of Job Injury or Illness Form 801 must be completed and returned to the Business Manager for completion of the employer’s section and forwarding to SAIF within five days of the injury.


Report of Job Injury or Illness Form 801
Oregon Educator’s Benefit Board (OEBB)

Insurance Documents